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We are a team of architects, urban planners, landscape ecologists, geographers, and engineers specialized in the analysis and design of natural and urban environments, projecting innovative solutions for the sustainable development of territories and the resulting impact on a community.

We apply our shared values of diversity, talents, and capabilities to create projects that improve the quality of life and enhance the harmonious relationship between nature and the built environment.

Professional Team - 2023 

Claudia Olguín, Geographer (Lic.), University of Chile 

Jaime Carbonel, Geographer, University of Chile 

Gasper Vial, Architect, University of Chile 

Rodrigo Lara, Architect, University of Diego Portales 

Nebreska Sierra, Architect, Polytechnic University of Turin

Romina Gaete, Architect (Lic.), University of Chile 

Alexandra Adams, Intern 

© 2023 Allard Partners

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