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Strategic Vision Ifarle +

Ifarle is a strategic vision of sustainable development for the water basin of the Ifarle Canal, with a length of more than 50 km², which crosses the communes of Gran Concepción, Haulpén, and Talcahuano. The recovery and appreciation of the ecosystem support the development of the city, and prioritizes the crucial harmony between the environment, society, and economy, as it impacts more than 214,000 people.





Master Plan

5,000 hectares



2019 - 2021

The strategic vision of sustainable development for the Ifarle Canal can be identified in four strategies:

01. Water Recovery
Year after year, areas such as Gran Concepción, particularly Tucapel Bajo, Parque Central, and Carriel Norte are severely affected by large flooding. This occurs primarily in wetlands due to the inability to evacuate the rainwater through the existing urban drainage system.


To help relieve this crisis, we propose water recovery strategies that improve the capacity of the catchment through a series of new urban drains vegetated within the streets and banded ones. Additionally, rainwater gardens are to be incorporated in square parks as new green areas that allow existing wetlands to act as urban sponges, and reduce the impact and demand on the canal.

This would result in a hydrological corridor of 122 hectares that consolidates 87 hectares of the canal and the recovery of 35 hectares of wetland.

02. Revalue Nature
The nature around the Ifarle Channel consists of areas with irregular fills, landfills, and micro-landfills, which due to their decomposition and runoff of rainwater can pollute the channel.

To value the nature surrounding the Ifarle Channel concerning the current situation, the recovery of the wetland system and its water is suggested. The recovery will grant the community access to new green spaces, as they function as a “cushion” between the city and the ecosystem, allowing for the revaluation of the habitat and the formation of a harmonious encounter between nature, society, and the city.

The objective of this strategy is to create an ecological corridor of 180 hectares that will recover flora and fauna close to the canal.

03. Movement Network 
The sustained growth of the automobile park with the lack of an integrated network of mobility generates significant traffic congestion and difficulties in the movement of pedestrians and cyclists throughout Gran Concepción.

To alleviate congestion, it is proposed to generate new roads attached to the channel, as well as a continuous bike path associated with green areas, which will connect the network of fragmented bike paths, creating safe and sustainable travel methods.


The proposed integrated mobility corridor is 21 kilometers of roads and 38 kilometers of continuous cycle paths, creating a network of more than 59 linear kilometers of active mobility.

04. Integration of the City
The Gran Concepción, with its growing demand for housing, equipment services, and access to work, has turned its back on the Ifarle Canal and all bodies of water in the vicinity, such as Bío-Bío River and the Andalien River.

Current regulations allow for the development of the wetland, however, the idea of this project is not for the city to occupy the wetland, but to free the land for recovery. How? Turning the density into a smaller space to achieve better distribution would allow for the sustainable development of homes, activities, shops, services, and work areas, a few minutes from the rest of the city.

Thus, an active, integrated, diverse, and accessible city will be generated that allows its inhabitants to enjoy the landscape of unique wetlands.

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